Controlling Hosted-Engine With Virsh

Yazar Burak Kurc

Controlling Hosted-Engine With Virsh.

What is Virsh?

A toolkit for managing virtual shell or virsh virtualization platforms. It is a flexible command line utility for managing virtual machines (VMs) controlled by the API libvirt. It is the default management tool for Linux kernel-based virtual machines (KVMs) and also supports Xen, VMware, and other platforms.

Click here for more information about Virsh on

Bug alert for RHEL 9 and compatible systems.

RHEL 9 – LVM – Devices file sys_wwid nvme. PVID last seen on not found. Click here for the solution.

oVirt Hosted-Engine and Virsh

When you want to interfere with hosted-engine vm with Virsh, it asks you to log in, but neither admin nor root accounts work.

virsh and oVirt hosted-engine error screenshot.

Here’s the remedy

To circumvent the problem, you need to log in as follows.

virsh -c qemu:///system?authfile=/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/virsh_auth.conf
Login to Hosted-Engine with virsh.

You can access the details of the commands using the Help parameter.


Since the following four commands are self-explanatory, I will not write further explanations.

hosted-engine --help
hosted-engine --vm-shutdown
hosted-engine --vm-status
hosted-engine --vm-start

Entering and exiting the maintenance mode.

hosted-engine --set-maintenance --mode=global
hosted-engine --set-maintenance --mode=none

Sending commands from console.

hosted-engine --console

Full backup. Server must be in maintenance mode.

engine-backup --scope=all --mode=backup --file=/root/full_he_backup.tar --log=/root/full_he_backup.log

Database backup. Server must be in maintenance mode.

engine-backup --scope=files --scope=db --mode=backup --file=/root/db__he_backup.tar --log=/root/db__he_backup.log

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